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Ealing GC

Our Mission: To Provide First Class Playing Surfaces

In 2006 Ealing Golf Club’s greens were slow, bubbly and very wet. Poor grass coverage was also an issue. Membership was down and golf societies were declining.

Even though they were old and dominated with meadow grass (Poa Annua), Greg could see that there was an opportunity to improve these greens if they were maintained in the correct manner. An intensive aeration and sand programme was implemented but the main focus was on the cutting height.

Knowing its potential, Greg implemented a very tight cutting height regime, the now ‘infamous’ 2mm! This was previously thought unsustainable in this country, but with the right advice and a solid maintenance programme, the greens now are amazing. The 2mm regime proved so successful that it triggered a national debate at the BTME!

The membership trend has been reversed with a 10% increase forecast this year and visitor numbers are going through the roof - judge the greens for yourself from these pictures, or visit Ealing Golf Club!



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