Sam Evans
Head Greenkeeper, Fulwell Golf Club
I have been working with Greg Evans since February 2016 when I was employed as Head Greenkeeper at Fulwell Golf Club. Greg had been Head of Golf Course Development at the club for a period of 6 months prior to this. Since working together has helped me develop as a Head Greenkeeper in a number of areas, such as; member relationships, board interaction, producing the best possible playing surfaces and the planning of day to day tasks on a weekly, monthly and annual basis which has proved a very reliable tool for me.
We are 12 months into our working relationship and the club is in a very good position. Comments from visitors and members complimenting the course, interest from national competition and tours and the greenkeeping team are learning a lot of new skills and techniques as we move forward.
One thing that I have liked is that now we have gained trust in one another and have the ability to bounce ideas around between one another to find the best solution. I have found that having Greg involved at the club keeps the focus for myself and the rest of my team and is massively helping develop the club in many aspects. I would recommend Greg to clubs who have lost the purpose of the golf course and to raise the standards that will begin to put pressure on others.